This report examines how the Church of Sweden relate to women’s issues and gender equality. The report hasa contemporary focus where the content analysis is based on a source material consisting of ten parishinstructions from parishes of the Church of Sweden.The concepts of sex, gender, gender equality, equality, and women’s studies are central to an increasedunderstanding of previous research, the content of this report and the mening of the concepts in relation tocontemporary, Swedish, Christian faith.In the report I ask questions with the purpose of analyzing and make visible the woman in contemporary,Swedish, Christian faith. The purpose is to try to see to what extent women’s issues and gender equality tendto be dealt with in the common sections of the parish instructions; divine service, education, deaconry, andmission. My questions also aim to answer which approach the parishes express to these issues in theirinstructions looked at as an entirety. The content analysis as a method examines the units ”woman” and”gender equality” and has its starting point in the whole parish instruction of each parish.The report shows that ”woman” is mentioned in the parish instructions, explicitly or underlying, in 5 out of10 parishes on single or repeated occasions. ”Gender equality” is mentioned in the parish instructions,explicitly or underlying, in 10 out of 10 parishes on single or repeated occasions. Women’s issues and genderequality are generally not adressed explicitly in the parish instructions, they are rather underlying in form ofother types of sentences which through interpretation possibly contains the woman and / or gender equality.