The purpose of this essay is to learn, through semi-constructed interviews, how different ProtestantCristian communities and congregations in Värmland work and have worked with gender issues. Theaim is to find out whether the Kristian tradition is something which is noticed in the answers ofquestions concerning gender and equality. The background is provided through prior research, and bythe theories of dichotomy, hierarchy and gender contacts provided by Yvonne Hirdman. Interviewsfrom three different communities are used as the foundation of this study. The aim is to recognize thedevelopment and role of the Kristian beliefs in contrast to the development of today’s society, andhow equality has been effected by #metoo, #metoo being an example of a factor which may haveaffected the work with equality and gender issues. Results show that all respondents from allcommunities and congregations are aware of, and have reflected upon gender issues concerningequality. Results also show that one in three communities has initiated a concrete work on genderequality as a result of #metoo. In line with Hirdmans theory this study also show that the dichotomyremains to an extent, but not to such an extent as hierarchy and the gender contracts. The man is stillthe norm in the communities and congregations that have been the objects in this study. Therespondents have either worked to change this fact or settled with it.