Four different elastic models for sheathing-to-framing connections are presented and evaluated on asingle connection level and on a shear wall level. Since the models are elastic in their nature they aresuitable mainly for cases where the sheathing-to-framing connections are subjected to monotonicallyincreasing displacements. Of the four models one is uncoupled and the others are coupled with respect tothe two perpendicular displacement directions in a two-dimensional model. Two of the coupled modelsare non-conservative, while the third is conservative, indicating a path independency with respect to thework done to reach a defined state of deformation. When the different models are compared it is obviousthat the uncoupled model gives strength and stiffness values higher than the others; however it is notobvious which of the models to use in a shear wall analysis, each of the models having its advantages anddisadvantages. For the experimental data used as input in the analyses of this study however, a couplednon-conservative model seems the most appropriate.