Open this publication in new window or tab >>2018 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic) [Artistic work]
Abstract [en]
This thesis focuses on an issue often presented as a solution – albeit a debated one – namely learning, specifically lessons learned from natural hazard events. Empirically, this thesis examines flooding and avalanches in a Swedish context, centering on systematic feedback mechanisms and learning from extreme events. Opportunities to and constraints affecting learning and knowledge sharing are discussed.
The thesis comprises four papers, collectively contributing a description of aspects of learning and feedback in a case study setting of the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) [Trafikverket], and providing an understanding of the present level of knowledge and awareness of climate change related natural hazards, as well as how knowledge sharing may give incentives and understanding for change. The notion of social learning is that individuals, groups, and organizations (and ultimately society) can learn from one another in a context, i.e. fostering mutual change. The goal of learning and using feedback is to create an opportunity to address changes in a thoughtful and explicit manner. At the same time, there is an implicit idea that learning occurs automatically somehow, which is problematized on the basis of the cases in the articles.
An interdisciplinary approach was adopted to obtain understanding of lessons learned related to natural hazards affecting critical infrastructure in Sweden. Interdiciplinarity refers to the use of theories from different research fields to achieve synergies in the search for explanations and useful understanding. The different objectives and aims of each paper have increased understanding of mechanisms related to aspects of feedback, learning and knowledge sharing after natural hazard impacts. Each paper also provides examples of opportunities and constraints to feedback mechanisms and learning in a collective context.
Abstract [sv]
Denna avhandling fokuserar på ett problem som ofta presenterats som en lösning, nämligen lärande. Mer specifikt fokuserar avhandlingen på lärande från naturolyckor och återkopplingsmekanismer inom och mellan organisationer
Empiriskt undersöker denna avhandling översvämningar och laviner i ett svenskt sammanhang. Fokus är på att öka förståelse av hur lärdomar relaterade till naturolyckor påverkar kritisk infrastruktur i Sverige: hur dessa fenomen förstås, och hur kunskapsåterföring av erfarenheter används i det som kallas ”lessons learned”.
Målet med att lära och använda feedback är att skapa möjlighet att möta negativa förändringar som extrema väderhändelser på ett genomtänkt och explicit sätt. Samtidigt finns det en implicit tanke att inlärning sker med viss automatik, vilket problematiseras, baserat på fallen i artiklarna. Möjligheter och utmaningar för lärande och kunskapsöverföring i kontexten extrema väderhändelser i Sverige problematiseras. Fyra artiklar bidrar med en beskrivning av aspekter av lärande och återkoppling i Trafikverket, och dess entreprenörer. Avhandlingen ger en uppfattning om kunskapsnivå och förståelse för klimatrelaterade naturolyckor, samt hur återhämtningsförmåga (resiliens) kan byggas utifrån kunskapsöverföring och lärande.
Abstract [en]
The Sendai Framework for Action (2015) and the agreement in Paris in 2015 (COP, 2015) were historic manifestations that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This thesis targets different aspects of knowledge sharing and learning as a strategy for building adaptive and coping capacity. The Swedish Transport Administration provides cases of extreme events for the studies. Paper I deals with the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II displays the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. Paper II describes parallel systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned. Paper III discusses collective learning approaches, in which obstacles and opportunities are identified. Furthermore, incentives to bounce forward in the aftermath are discussed from a collective learning approach. Paper IV reviews the concept of organizational memory building as a means for change.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2018. p. 70
Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099 ; 2018:41
natural hazards, critical infrastructure, feedback, lessons learned, collective learning, memory building
National Category
Climate Science
Research subject
Risk and Environmental Studies
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-69357 (URN)978-91-7063-877-0 (ISBN)978-91-7063-972-2 (ISBN)
Public defence
2018-11-09, RiskLab, 21A259, Universitetsgatan 2, Karlstad, 13:00 (Swedish)
Swedish Transport Administration
2018-10-192018-09-212025-02-07Bibliographically approved