Preschool heads do not take full responsibilities for systematic quality development in preschool, according to a report from The Swedish Schools Inspectorate (2014). In order to improve the systematic quality, a school development project “VISKA” was launched in 2016. The aim was to develop a model of professional learning communities and explore how it may support preschool teachers in documenting, analyzing and developing activities in preschool. In the project preschool teachers video record daily activities and reflect together on the recordings in learning dialogues. The project is part research, part school development and empirical research material includes focus group interviews, written documentation of learning dialogues and field notes. Preliminary results indicate that learning dialogues serves both as eye-openers and as validation, and instant changes are often made as a result of the dialogues. As important, many preschool teachers give examples of long-term effects with regards to altered perceptions of children and children’s knowledge.