Anknytning, emotionsreglering och ångest: En kvantitativ enkätstudie avseende relationen mellan ungdomars anknytning, emotionsreglering och ångest
2017 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 180 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Attachment, emotionregulation and anxiety : A quantitative survey study regarding the relation between adolescents attachment, emotionregulation and anxiety (English)
Abstract [sv]
En kvantitativ studie genomfördes vars syfte var att undersöka om de fanns en relation mellan ungdomars grad av trygg anknytning till mamma respektive pappa, användandet av emotionsregleringsstrategin undantryckande samt ångestsymtom. Antal deltagare i studien var 1681 ungdomar i årskurs åtta och nio i tre medelstora städer i Sverige. Data samlades in via det pågående forskningsprojektet Trestadsstudien genom enkätundersökning under våren 2015. Enkäten delades ut i pappersformat och besvarades under skoltid. Prediktorerna anknytning till mamma respektive pappa mättes med The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA-R). Prediktorn emotionsregleringsstrategin undantryckande mättes med The Emotion Regulation Questionaire for children and adolescents (ERQ-CA). Beroendevariabeln ångest mättes med The Overall Anxiety and Impairment Scale (OASIS). Data analyserades i dataprogrammet SPSS genom två regressionsanalyser. Resultatet visade att grad av trygg anknytning till mamma samt emotionsregleringsstrategin undantryckande var signifikanta prediktorer för både flickor och pojkars ångestsymtom. Dock var den förklarade variansen låg, det innebar att det fanns andra faktorer som ej föreliggande studie avsett undersöka som kan förklara flickor och pojkars ångest. Grad av trygg anknytning till pappa visade sig inte vara en prediktor av ångestsymtom hos flickor eller pojkar. Resultatet diskuterades i relation till tidigare forskning på området. För vidare studier diskuteras val av metod avseende uppdelning av anknytning i olika grupper samt att fler emotionsregleringsstrategier bör inkluderas. På så vis kan en tydligare bild av förhållandet mellan ungdomars anknytning och emotionsregleringsstrategier utredas samt dess förhållandet till ångest.
Abstract [en]
A quantitative survey study was performed, whose aim was to examine if there was a relationship between adolescent’s attachment to parents, the use of emotion regulation strategy, suppression and anxiety. The sample consisted of 1681 eighth and ninth grade students from three medium big cities in Sweden. Data was collected through the ongoing researchproject Trestadstudien through a survey conducted during the spring of 2015. The questionnaire was distributed in paper and answered during school time. The predictors attachment to mother and attachment to father was measured with The Inventory of Parent and Peers Revised (IPPA-R). The predictor emotion regulation strategy suppression was measured with The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA). Dependent variable anxiety was measured with The Overall Anxiety and Impairment Scale (OASIS). Data was analyzed in the computer program SPSS using a multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that attachments to mother and emotion regulation strategy suppression significantly predicted girls’ and boys’ anxiety symptoms. Though the results were significant the regression only explained 7,6% of girls’ anxiety and 2,9% of boys’ anxiety, which means that there are other variables that can explain anxiety among adolescents. Attachments to fathers was not a significant predictor to girls or boys’ anxiety symptoms. The results were discussed in relation to previous research on the topic. For further research, the discussion was about methodological issues concerning the way attachments can be sorted in to different groups. In that way, a more thorough overview of attachment and emotion regulation strategies and the relationship to anxiety can be investigated.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Adolescents, attachment, emotionregulationstrategy, anxiety
Keywords [sv]
Ungdomar, anknytning, emotionsregleringsstrategi, ångest
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-64666OAI:, id: diva2:1148593
Subject / course
Educational program
Study program in Case Management (180 ECTS credits)
2017-10-112017-10-112017-10-11Bibliographically approved