In order to measure the attitude of Secondary School Students towards Classical Music, a questionnaire based on the traditional tri-dimensional model was built and validated. Items were therefore built upon the three-dimensional attitudinal model (i.e affective, cognitive and behavioural). Other variables were also taken into account in order to help for characterizing the study-population. In a first stage, 56 students from a High School in the city of Malaga were the initial sample for carrying out the pilot study. Eventually, the questionnaire was taken by 3137 subjects from Andalusia (Spain) in order to define itspsychometric values. From the first test of 30 items to the last of 25, several changes were made due tothe expert judgments, testing experiences and scale-validity tests.
Con el objetivo de medir la actitud del alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria frente ala música clásica, se desarrolló un cuestionario orientado por el modelo tridimensional de la actitud. Paraello, se investigaron los tres componentes actitudinales ( afectivo, cognoscitivo y conductual) y otrasvariables complementarias que ayudarían a caracterizar a la población. Inicialmente se pilotó en un centroeducativo de la provincia de Málaga con un número de 56 sujetos, para posteriormente ser suministradoen distintos centros de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (España) a una muestra de 3137 sujetos, afin de comprobar sus características psicométricas. Nuestro primer cuestionario contiene un número de 30ítems que, tras el juicio de los expertos y los cambios en estructura y contenido, quedó reducido a 25ítems en su versión final.
Författarens egen översättning av titeln: Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess the Attitude of secondary school students towards classical Music