The present paper explores the short span compression tester (SCT) as a means to experimentally determine the transverse shear moduli of paper. These moduli, which are known to be difficult to determine by any other means, are of importance for the behavior of paper during tissue manufacturing and in the converting and embossing of paperboard. Testing was conducted on paper of two different grammages both in MD and in CD. By applying the Timoshenko-Engesser theory for buckling of shear compliant materials, estimates of the transverse shear moduli were obtained through the measured SCT values and standard measurements of the Young's modulus and the thickness. These estimates were evaluated by detailed FE-analyses of the SCT setup incorporating initial geometrical imperfections representative for real test conditions. It was found that the Timoshenko-Engesser theory gives estimates of the transverse shear moduli that are within an accuracy well applicable for most engineering purposes. The results suggest that the method is at least as accurate as any other, more involved, method that could be used for the purpose.