This essay deals with how feedback and response on students' texts is carried out in the language education. The purpose with the study is to find out how the work with feedback on students' texts is dealt with, from students' view and teachers' view. The essay is also comparing the work with feedback and response in the different grades in school, for instance, the intermediate level of the school(sw. mellanstadiet), the senior level of the school(sw. högstadiet) and the upper secondary school (sw. gymnasiet). I interviewed seven persons and every interview took about thirty minutes. The informants were four students and three teachers. Three of the students are pupils on the senior level of school and the other person is an upper secondary student. All teachers in the study work in the same senior level school, but in different "departments". The result of the study showed that the students in the senior level school received feedback and response together with the marks on their texts and did not have to hand in revised versions. The upper secondary student always writes a first draft which his teacher gives him feedback on. He then rewrites the text and hands it in to the teacher. After that the teacher makes the assessment on the final version on the text. Finally, the study showed that the work with feedback and response in school is carried out in different ways, but it is obvious that the students mostly receive written feedback on their texts. None of the students had worked with the method to let students work in groups giving each other feedback on their texts, and this was something the teachers did not let their students do either. All informants in the study thought that the way they worked with response developed better writers. Two of the students wanted more positive comments on their texts and one student wished that the teacher would give them oral response more often. There was a minor difference between the different grades in school and it was that more focus on the texts positive features was made during the intermediate level of the school than the higher levels, and one student thought that feedback was orally given more often during the intermediate level of school compared to the senior level of school.