There is much talk about ”a school for everbody” and I think that the idea of a school for everbody is very interesting. I think it goes without saying there should be ”a school for everbody” and I feel it important that all pupils want to go to school and that they feel they can get something out of it. The aim of this examination is to find out what ”a school for everbody” looks like today. My approach to the problem is as follow: What kind of help/support do the pupils get today? How do pupils and teschers want the help/support to be designed? The kind of method I have used in this examination is to study literature about pupils in need of special support and I have also interviews both pupils and teachers to find out what the help/support looks like today and how pupils as well as teachers want the help be designed. What I have found, despite only few interviews, is quite the opposite to what you can read in part of that literature which suggests the help/support should be given in the classroom. One exception which is in favour of my results is the research presented by Skolverket (1998). This research shows that it is sometimes the best for the pupil to leave the classroom. My result of this examination also shows that this how both pupils and teachers want the help/support to bre. The pupils prefer leaving the classroom so they can sit down to work in small groups.