During the autumn 2003 we went, a group of teacherstudents along with instructors and universitylectors to South Africa. The purpose with the journey was to proceed the exchange between sisterschools (twinning) that exists between some schools here in Värmland and schools in a black township in East Cape province. During our visit we also had opportunity to collect data to our examinationspaper. Since South Africa has big problems with HIV/AIDS-epidemic, we wanted to examine how they teach the pupils about HIV and AIDS. In order to get an apprehension of the education in the schools we both interviewed teachers and pupils (11-13 years old). After we had read literature we came up to these questions: How do they work with the AIDS-problems in the South African schools? Which AIDS-education do they have in the schools? Has the education been giving some results when it comes to preventing transmitting? Our investigation displays that the pupils have good knowledge about the disease and its reasons. When it comes to sexual transmitting the AIDS-education hasn’t had wanted effect. The study displays that the education should be devoleped, only knowledge is not enough in order to change the pupils ways to relate to HIV/AIDS.