This essay is based on interviews with five teachers at a secondary school in Sweden, and deals with the (possible) pedagogic role of school libraries in teaching. The main question in the essay is ”how do the interviewed teachers look at school libraries as a pedagogic resource in teaching from an information seeking perspective?” One teacher have classes in Swedish, one in SO [which means history, religion, society, geography], and one in SO and Swedish. One teacher works especially with pupils with disabilities, and works 20% of her time in the school library. The ages of the teachers varies much. Only one of the teachers have major doubts that a school librarian can be helpful in the planning of a lesson, and the pedagogic work. This teacher is also the youngest of the ones interviewed, and the one who have worked as a teacher the shortest period of time. The teachers who hade worked for a long time, see more opportunities for a school library. At the same time are these the teachers who see the greatest disadvantages in the pupils’ own information seeking. Lack of time, space and economy are all seen by many of the teachers as major obstacles on the road towards development of the school library in a satisfying way.