This work aims at comparing teachers’ active values, i.e. to what extent teachers practise and express their values about bullying in school. Sixty teachers at the nine-year compulsory school and the upper secondary school (Sw. grundskolan and gymnasieskolan) have been asked to estimate a number of statements concerning attitudes to bullying in school. The hypothesis has been that teachers at the upper secondary school have less active valuations in comparison with teachers at the compulsory school. Any possible differences referring to gender of teacher as well as differences between certified and non certified teachers were evaluated. The inquiery shows that there is a considerable difference in active valuations, both between teachers at the upper secondary school on the one hand and those at the compulsory school on the other, and teachers of different sexes. However, it doesn’t seem to make any difference weather the teacher is certified or not. The result should give school leaders, as well as teacher educators, something to think about.