Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a severe chronic disease that can lead to physical disability. RA-patients are often treated with physiotherapy, both regularly and during periods of intensive treatment. The aim of the project is to explore the views of a group of Swedish RA-patients on how physiotherapy affects their lives and whether physiotherapy can enhance social inclusion for patients with RA. The relational model of social theory, with the themes Body, Work, Citizenship, Identity and Territory, was used as an explanatory model. The project was conducted using semi-structured qualitative interviews, which were analysed with phenomenology. The informants were recruited from RA-patients in treatment at a small town hospital in Sweden. The study resulted in eight interviews with patients with RA. All the informants speak Swedish as their first language. There were no single parents or immigrants represented in the group of informants. The conclusion shows that the informants experience that physiotherapy has direct positive effect on body and identity, and that physiotherapy indirectly enhances social inclusion concerning work, territory and citizenship.