This thesis is a literary study of Foucault’s theory of power, which is described in his publications Discipline and Punish (Övervakning och straff) and The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1. (Viljan att veta). The study’s frame of interpretation is anchored in symbolic interactionism, stigma and the social constructionist term: institutionalisation. The study is qualitative, focusing on Foucault’s theory of power, which is analysed via Goffmans’ term stigma (as a tool.). In the research findings Foucault, who is described as the philosopher’s man, is presented. The subsequent two sections deal with how power and the use of power are described in Foucault’s Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1. Discipline and Punish depicts the various forms of punishment and supervision, primarily in prisons, from the 17th century and onwards. The descriptions of these punishments are very detailed and show how the repressed have been tormented as well as how power over the human body has changed throughout history. In The History of Sexuality. Vol. 1.Foucault shows how society endows sexuality with certain values and decrees, from the 17th century until the end of the 19th century. Thereafter follows a perspective on power as presented by Goffman. Key terms here are the social identity and the personal identity. These key terms are then connected to Foucault’s theory of power, in order to show how power affects people. The use of power is based on knowledge creating knowledge. This knowledge grants control over the humanity. The deviant and stigmatised are incessantly exposed to research and are constantly the objects of increases in knowledge. The constant quest for knowledge, which is the main power source for power, in effect creates disabilities by the increasingly refined normalisation of man, which takes place as the knowledge about him increases. At the same time as a person enters the social monitoring system, the personal identity disappears and (individuals become one with the group under observation). Everyone is to be disciplined into a pattern where the personal identity is undressed physically as well as psychically. Such a patterning allows for “the crowd” to become a source for social knowledge. All this in order to become part of the crowd that the body of society will be able to create knowledge from. This knowledge is then used in biopolitics in order to manage and refine the population matter. Keywords: Foucault, Goffman, power, identity, communication, disability, stigma.