With this essay we have investigated whether real world - journalism and journalists live up to the ideal if objectivity, ethics and credibility that are crucial in theory. Further we have tried to see if there exists a conjunction between gender and journalism. In order to find out this we consulted Nya Wermlands- Tidningen and Värmlands Folkblad in Karlstad. We applyed a qualitative method and we've interviewed an editor-in-chief, news-in-chief plus a reporter on each newspaper. Beyond the interviews we also performed an observation at both of the editorial offices morning meetings. We founded our empirical research on non-fiction literature concerning primarily the norms of journalism and research of masscommunication based on gender. The interview began with an inquiry that we gave to the six respondents, then the conversation interview accomplished with an open guide of questions. Through analyzing the answers and compare them with theory we came to the conclusion that the notion of objectivity in general have been replaced with the claim of impartiality. Further we drew the conclusion that journalists live up to the norms that anticipates in theory, but that they have categorized the concepts differently. Female journalists have a some what more ethical way of thinking and journalistic subjects seems to be devided in soft and hard issues, the soft often considered to be female and have a lower status.