The terror attack in the USA the 11th September 2001 is one of the most comprehensive terror deeds in our time. The horrible disaster claimed thousand of lives. The catastrophe covered almost all space in mass media and dominated the news reports for weeks. To truthfully inform the public is media’s responsibility. It’s also important that they criticize and scrutinize the news. We have in this paper investigated two Swedish newspapers reports from the terror attack in the USA. The aim is to investigate the distinguishes between the reports in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter and how the content have changed for a period of time. Some of our conclusions are that there’re large differences between the two news-papers reports from the terror attack. For example are the news more sensa-tional and personal in Aftonbladet and more informative and founded on facts in Dagens Nyheter. The reports have decreased and the content have changed over the time.