Our main issue is; "how is the intranet used in comparison with other _x000B_informationchannels?" The investigation is made on behalf of Karlstad community´s informationadministration and the purpose is to investigate how the different informationchannels are used among three dissimilar administrations. The selection was made of three administrations; the community board, the child- and youth administration and the fire department. 199 respondents answered the survey and the results are based upon these answers. We also aim to investigate the employees´ needs about the information and its ways to reach them. The intranet is a relative new medium which hasn´t come to everyone´s attention yet. Lot´s of employees don´t know about its existence, others don´t feel like they have access to it. Some define the problem as lack of knowledge. There is a curiosity and a will to learn though. The majority want the intranet to become more interactive to make it more useful. The traditional face-to-face communication is still the most common concept. Meetings and immediate information from the boss are the most popular sources of information. E-mail is not a frequently used tool. All employees don´t know that they do have access to a computer, because of the distance to it. This concerns the child- and youth administration foremost. Others say that their computer doesn´t cope with the intranet. Men uses a computer at work more than women at the child- and youth administration do, but at the other administrations is the difference between men and women slightly mentionable accordning to the amount of employees. The bosses, not unexpectedly, do use the intranet more than other employees. Nevertheless are there 34% of the bosses that never use the intranet. The access to the computer is diffuse, knowledge in an electronic medium isn´t yet a part everydayknowledge. There is also a difference between generations, as the older people don´t consider the intranet beeing a part of their epoch.