We investigated lung pathology in 61 HIV-positive patients who underwent 79 bronchoscopies. There were 27 cases of pneumo cystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), 22 cases of pyogenic pulmonary infection and six cases of mycobacterial infection. Eleven cases of non-specific interstitial pneumonitis were found and 10 intravenous drug abusers had birefringent pulmonary talc granulomata in biopsy specimens. Women and intravenous drug abusers had higher rates of pyogenic pulmonary infection than men and other risk groups respectively. When compared with a previous survey from the same hospital using the same methodology the present study showed a change in the risk groups with 50 % more intravenous drug abusers, 42% more haemophiliacs and 45% fewer patients with sexually transmitted infection. However, apparent changes in the spectrum of diseases encountered were not significant.