We have in the field of IS (Information Systems) and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) conducted a pre-study in order to establish potential areas of focus. We found, that establishing how the mobile telecommunication needs of the developing segment were met, from a risk perspective, would be somewhat pioneering as well as a most interesting subject. We chose to conduct this study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The purpose of our main study is to investigate the modus operandi of the mobile telecommunication providers regarding customers’ communication needs and business risk management, in order to examine if it is adapted to the situation of the developing segment. Furthermore we hope that this study will increase the knowledge base for the relatively unexplored subject in focus. The scientific approach, that we have used to carry out our study, is General Systems Theory (GST). The collection of empirical data was made through qualitative interviews with representatives from main mobile providers, marketing research companies, a strategy consultancy company and end-users in the developing segment. Our analysis and interpretation of data was made from the perspective of relevant theory in the area of business risk management and customer needs. To make new connections and elaborate on the significance of our findings we drew conclusions that we considered to be justified and presented suggestions for future research.