This is an essay about the jewish philosoph Martin Buber (1878- 1965) and his dialogical philosophy. The first chapter discuss his dialogical philosophy as a concept and bgs also up criticism from other philosophs and writers. Here I discuss the to Buber so important mainwords; I- you and I- it (my translation). What did Martin Buber think about their possibility of genus? Can they be genus with each other? The second capter discuss if it is possible to use thoughts from a philosoph like Buber (in this case the dialogical philosophy) in education. The discussion concerns from Buber himself, some writers of books of education, scientists and from Lpo94/Lpf94. How can we as teachers introduce the dialogue in our classrooms and how can meetings between teachers and students in school become and remain something so obvious as it should be? Third and last capter in this essay puts the dialogical philosophy together with philosophy, hermeneutics and empiristic thoughts. Can this three parts come together? Mabye they are forever devorsed? Hopefully this work can help the reader to wake up a wider interest in the dialogue, and that meetings between people are fundamental for our lives and personal development as individuals.