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Biodiversitet i granskog - jordlöparfaunan i nyckelbiotoper kontra produktionsskog
2001 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Student thesis
Abstract [sv]

Tio granskogsnyckelbiotoper jämfördes med tio bruksskogar med avseende på jordlöparnas (Coleoptera, Carabidae) antal, artantal och diversitet. Vidare undersöktes om en direkt koppling förelåg mellan områdenas bonitet och individantal, artantal och diversitet för jordlöparna. I varje område utplacerades tio fallfällor med såpvatten under två veckoperioder i juli och augusti. Totalt insamlades 277 individer av 19 arter. Ingen av dessa arter var rödlistad eller ovanlig. Diversiteten beräknades genom Shannons diversitetsindex. En regressionsanalys gav resultatet att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan totalantal individer och bonitet, (P= 0,03). Mellan artantal och bonitet saknades signifikans, (P=0,09), liksom mellan diversitet och bonitet. En kovariansanalys resulterade i slutsatsen att ingen signifikant skillnad finns mellan nyckelbiotoper och bruksskog med avseende på totalantal jordlöpare, antalet arter eller diversitet efter att effekten av bonitet tagits bort. I diskussionen konstateras att ett ökat antal fallfällor troligtvis hade resulterat i fler insamlade arter, och en skillnad hade möjligen kunnat ses mellan nyckelbiotoper och bruksskog i antalet arter. Detta hade dock sannolikt inte inneburit att en skillnad i diversitet mellan nyckelbiotoper och bruksskog kunnat urskiljas. Rekommendationen lämnas att bonitetens påverkan tas med i analyser i framtida arbeten om carabidfaunan då den annars kan utgöra en felkälla. Därutöver lämnas rekommendationer till utformning av insamlingar som kan ge ytterligare information.

Abstract [en]

Ten unmanaged key habitat areas of spruce forest were compared with ten areas of managed spruce forests with regard to ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) diversity. The relation between the productivity and the diversity of carabids on the studied areas was also investigated. In each area ten pitfall traps with soap water were placed during two week long periods in July and August. A total of 277 individuals of 19 species of Carabidae were collected. None of the species were red-listed or regarded as uncommon. As a measure of diversity, Shannon's diversity index was calculated. Linear regression analysis show a significant correlation between productivity and the total number of individuals captured (P= 0,03). The correlation between the productivity and the number of species on the areas was marginally significant (P=0,09), while no correlation was found between productivity and diversity. A covariance model did not show any significant difference between key habitats and managed areas regarding the number of individuals, number of species or diversity, after the effect of productivity was eliminated from the model. The conclusion is that an increase in the number of pitfall traps placed in the areas probably would have resulted in more species collected, and a possible difference between key habitat and managed areas may have been detected. However, more species collected would have no influence on the lack of correlation between key habitats and managed areas regarding diversity. The significant correlation between the number of individuals and productivity suggest that this should always be analysed at all works in studies regarding Carabidae diversity, which currently is not done. Additionally, recommendations are made about the design of further samplings in order to gather more precise information.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2001. , p. 20
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-49018Local ID: BIO D-3OAI:, id: diva2:1097469
Subject / course
Available from: 2017-05-22 Created: 2017-05-22

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