In this paper, I introduce a computational tool, TYTO (“Typology Tool”), that utilises Semantic Web technologies in order to provide novel ways to process, integrate, and query cross-linguistic data. Its data store incorporates a set of on- tologies (comprising linguistic examples, annotations, language background infor- mation, and metadata) backed by a logic reasoner software. This allows for highly targeted querying, and, with enough data on the relevant interest areas, TYTO can return answers to rather specific typological questions such as ‘Which other lan- guages in the North America, in addition to Yuchi, do encode senior kin and in- group (such as belonging to the same ethnic group) in a suffixal case marking sys- tem?’ TYTO’s data store can be extended with additional ontologies and adapted to allow for project-specific analyses of linguistic data. It is further designed to facilitate collaboration and allow multi-user contributions, including automatic in- tegration of data submitted at different stages by different contributors.