In 2023 the first large ECHA training started in Sweden, and in Scandinavia, through Karlstad University. In this presentation we will share how this program for an ECHA certificate is arranged. An important part is the so called Treffekt® which is an agreement between Karlstad University, the employer, and the participant of the training. Through Treffekt® the school leaders agree on supporting the participant throughout the training, and to plan for how to use the new competence. The training for an ECHA certificate is divided into three courses (15 ECTS). The first course is theory building in which the participants read, discuss and have workshops on different themes relating to high ability. In the second course they plan for an upcoming research study. In the final course the participants implement their study and scientifically explore their outcomes. The product is a scientific report about the study. We expect those products to become rich material that also benefits other schools and regions in Sweden and perhaps also for other countries. Ongoing offerings of the courses and collation of these reports will contribute to a valued body of work which in turn can transform local policy and practice.