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Relationen mellan social ångest och adhd bland ungdomar och vuxna: En systematisk litteraturöversikt
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Social and Psychological Studies (from 2013).
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Social and Psychological Studies (from 2013).
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
The relationship between social anxiety and adhd in adolescents and adults : A systematic review (English)
Abstract [en]

Objective: Previous research indicates that there is a relationship between social anxiety and adhd among adolescents and adults. However, it is not entirely established what that relationship looks like. The aim of the present review was to systematically compile empirical data on the relationship between social anxiety and adhd among adolescents and adults in both clinical and non-clinical populations. Method: Literature searches were conducted in the databases PsycInfo and PubMed which resulted in a total of 698 articles, of which 34 articles were finally included. Due to heterogeneous data, results were compiled through a narrative approach. Results: The prevalence of adhd among adults with social anxiety was reported between 3 and 72.3 percent. No study examined the prevalence of adhd among adolescents with social anxiety. The prevalence of social anxiety among adolescents and adults with adhd was reported between 2.9 and 49.5 percent. Only one study examined the prevalence of social anxiety among adolescents with adhd. Several studies found that individuals with comorbid social anxiety and adhd exhibited more severe symptoms and greater impairments. Atypical social anxiety, an impulsive type of social anxiety, was not mentioned in the research on social anxiety and adhd. Conclusion: These findings indicate that individuals with social anxiety would likely benefit from also being screened for adhd, and vice versa, as this could lead to the comorbidity being detected earlier. More research is needed regarding the prevalence of comorbidity between social anxiety and adhd among adolescents, and whether there is a relationship between atypical social anxiety and adhd.

Abstract [sv]

Syfte: Tidigare forskning indikerar att det finns en relation mellan social ångest och adhd bland ungdomar och vuxna. Det är dock inte helt klarlagt hur den relationen ser ut. Syftet med föreliggande översikt har därför varit att systematiskt sammanställa empirisk data om relationen mellan social ångest och adhd bland ungdomar och vuxna i både kliniska och icke-kliniska populationer. Metod: Litteratursökningar genomfördes i databaserna PsycInfo och PubMed vilket resulterade i totalt 698 artiklar, varav 34 artiklar slutligen inkluderades. På grund av heterogena data sammanställdes resultaten genom ett narrativt tillvägagångssätt. Resultat: Prevalensen av adhd bland vuxna med social ångest rapporterades ligga mellan 3 och 72,3 procent. Ingen studie undersökte prevalensen av adhd bland ungdomar med social ångest. Prevalensen av social ångest bland ungdomar och vuxna med adhd rapporterades ligga mellan 2,9 och 49,5 procent. Endast en studie undersökte prevalensen av social ångest bland ungdomar med adhd. Flera studier fann att individer med samsjuklig social ångest och adhd hade svårare symtom och högre grad av funktionsnedsättning. Atypisk social ångest, en impulsiv variant av social ångest, nämndes inte i studierna som undersökte relationen mellan social ångest och adhd. Slutsats: Resultaten indikerar att individer med social ångest sannolikt skulle gynnas av att även kartläggas för adhd, och tvärt om, eftersom det skulle kunna leda till att samsjukligheten upptäcks tidigare. Mer forskning krävs vad gäller prevalensen av samsjuklighet mellan social ångest och adhd bland ungdomar, och huruvida det finns en relation mellan atypisk social ångest och adhd. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 67
Keywords [en]
Social anxiety, social phobia, adhd, atypical social anxiety, comorbidity, systematic review
Keywords [sv]
Social ångest, social fobi, adhd, atypisk social ångest, samsjuklighet, systematisk litteraturöversikt
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-96101OAI:, id: diva2:1783741
Subject / course
Educational program
Master of science in psychology programme
Available from: 2023-08-11 Created: 2023-07-24 Last updated: 2023-08-11Bibliographically approved

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Department of Social and Psychological Studies (from 2013)

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