The adsorption and desorption behavior of volatile nitrogen-containing compounds in vapor phase by solid-phase microextraction Arrow (SPME-Arrow) and in-tube extraction (ITEX) sampling systems, were investigated experimentally using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Three different SPME-Arrow coating materials, DVB/PDMS, MCM-41, and MCM-41-TP and two ITEX adsorbents, TENAX-GR and MCM-41-TP were compared to clarify the selectivity of the sorbents towards nitrogen-containing compounds. In addition, saturated vapor pressures for these compounds were estimated, both experimentally and theoretically. In this study, the adsorption of nitrogen-containing compounds on various adsorbents fol-lowed the Elovich model well, while a pseudo-first-order kinetics model best described the desorption kinetics. Pore volume and pore sizes of the coating sorbents were essential parameters for the deter-mination of the adsorption performance for the SPME-Arrow sampling system. MCM-41-TP coating with the smallest pore size gave the slowest adsorption rate compared to that of DVB/PDMS and MCM-41 in the SPME-Arrow sampling system. Both adsorbent and adsorbate properties, such as hydrophobicity and basicity, affected the adsorption and desorption kinetics in SPME-Arrow system. The adsorption and desorption rates of studied C6H15N isomers in the MCM-41 and MCM-41-TP sorbent materials of SPME-Arrow system were higher for dipropylamine and triethylamine (branched amines) than for hexylamine (linear chain amines). DVB/PDMS-SPME-Arrow gave fast adsorption rates for the aromatic-ringed pyridine and o-toluidine. All studied nitrogen-containing compounds demonstrated high desorption rates with DVB/PDMS-SPME-Arrow. Chemisorption and physisorption were the sorption mechanisms in MCM-41-and MCM-41-TP-SPME-Arrow, but additional experiments are needed to confirm this. An active sampling technique ITEX gave comparable adsorption and desorption rates on the selective MCM-41-TP and univer-sal TENAX-GR sorbent materials for all the compounds studied. Vapor pressures of nitrogen-containing compounds were experimentally estimated by using retention index approach and these values were compared with the theoretical ones, calculated using the COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Real Sol-vent (COSMO-RS) model. Both values agreed well with those found in the literature proving that these methods can be successfully used in predicting VOC's vapor pressures, e.g. for the formation of secondary organic aerosols.