Research topic/aim: In this presentation, we focus on leadership between colleagues in the working team as well as preschool teachers’ responsibility for teaching in relation to the working team. This can be understood as ‘leadership within the preschool teaching activities’ (Jensen, 2022) The aim is to develop a theoretical understanding of leadership in preschool that takes previous experiences from preschool practice as well as from the teachers into account when arranging teaching activities and planning for the future.
Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework consists of an ecological approach of Teacher Agency (Priestley, Biesta & Robinson, 2015) in which experiences are central and where cultural, structural and material aspects are considered vital when acting and achieving leadership in preschool.
Methodology/research design: Through an action research project, preschool teachers will act, document and further discuss leadership activities in preschool with researchers. Insights from such discussions will - through recurring processes - be brought back to practice and enacted in new leadership activities.
Expected findings: We expect the results to contribute a new understanding of leadership – a responsible leadership, which takes the context, history and temporality into account. Thereby, knowledge about how to enact a responsible leadership can both take advantage of the preschool’s own traditions and experiences and look ahead towards a teaching based on proven experiences and scientific basis.
Relevance to Nordic educational research: The topic is relevant to all Nordic countries as leadership in preschool are relevant and similar within the Nordic education (and other school forms where teachers are expected to shared leadership)
Jensen, M. (2022). Ledarskap mitt i verksamheten: Att leda kollegor i förskola, skola och fritidshem. [ Leadership within the teaching activities, in prescjool, school and leisure time centres]. Gleerups
Priestley, M., Biesta, G., & Robinson, S. (2015). Teacher agency: An ecological approach. Bloombury Academic.