Drying is an energy demanding industrial process and methods for reducing the energy consumption of drying is of interest to industry as well as society. This article presents the drying system of a biofuel factory. Steam is used as the refrigerant. Superheated steam is used as drying gas in a flash dryer with 28.8 tons/h dewatering capacity. The system includes an energy recovering water heat pump that receives its heat from the excess drying steam and heats the dryer. The SMER of the drying process ranges between 3 and 4 and the COP of the heat pump process ranges between 4 and 5.5 during one production season of peat drying. Variations in performance can be explained by variations in inlet moisture content and production rate. The example of this drying system shows the feasibility of drying in superheated steam, heat pump drying and water as refrigerant in high-temperature heat pumps.