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En tvärsnittsstudie om stress, energi, välbefinnande och optimism hos yrkesarbetande kvinnor
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Social and Psychological Studies (from 2013).
2019 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
A study on the relationships of experienced stress and energy, subjective well-being and optimism of working womens (English)
Abstract [sv]

En kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes med syfte att undersöka eventuella samband mellan upplevd stressnivå, upplevd energinivå, optimism och subjektivt välbefinnande. Deltagarna bestod av 94 yrkesarbetande kvinnor från olika arbetsplatser runt om i Sverige som besvarade en elektronisk enkät via en länk de fick mailad till sig. Variabeln stress- och energinivå har mätts genom Stress och energi formuläret (SE). Variabeln optimism mättes genom Life Orientation Test Reversed (LOT-R) och variabeln subjektivt välbefinnande mättes genom The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Data har hanterats i SPSS och analyserats med Pearsons korrelationstest för att undersöka om det finns eventuella samband och sedan gått vidare med multipel regressionsanalys för att undersöka prediktioner mellan vissa av de signifikanta sambanden. Det fanns inget signifikant samband mellan optimism och upplevd stressnivå i föreliggande studie. Resultat och validitet i relation till olika livssituationer och arbetsvillkor diskuterades. Slutsatsen är att utifrån regressionsanalysen så förklarar energinivån och välbefinnandet 26 % av variansen i stressnivån. Vid en fortsatt studie skulle det också vara relevant att undersöka ytterligare faktorer som bidrar till kvinnors upplevelse av stress som till exempel arbetsmiljön, socialt stöd och fysisk aktivitet, det skulle kunna ge en bättre helhetsbild av vad som kan ha en betydelse för kvinnors välmående.

Abstract [en]

A quantitative questionnaire was conducted to investigate possible relationships between perceived stress levels, perceived energy levels, optimism and subjective well-being. The participants consisted of 94 working women from different workplaces around Sweden who answered an electronic survey via a link they were sent to. The variable stress and energy level has been measured by the Stress and Energy Form (SE). Variable optimism was measured by the Life Orientation Test Reversed (LOT-R) and the variable subjective well-being was measured by The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Data has been handled in SPSS and analyzed by Pearson's correlation test to investigate whether there is any relationship and then proceed with multiple regression analysis to investigate predictions between some of the significant relationships. There was no significant relationship between optimism and stress level experienced in this study. Results and validity in relation to different life situations and working conditions were discussed. The conclusion is that based on the regression analysis, the energy level and well-being explain 26 % of the variance in the stress level. In a further study, it would also be relevant to investigate additional factors that contribute to women's experience of stress, such as the work environment, social support and physical activity, which could provide a better overall picture of what could be important for women's well-being.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 27
Keywords [en]
Experienced stress, perceived energy, well-being, optimism, women
Keywords [sv]
Upplevd stressnivå, upplevd energinivå, välbefinnande, optimism, kvinnor
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-73155OAI:, id: diva2:1331772
Subject / course
Available from: 2019-06-27 Created: 2019-06-27 Last updated: 2019-06-27Bibliographically approved

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Department of Social and Psychological Studies (from 2013)

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