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Influencing factors on user support and usage of content management systems - a study of the County Council of Värmland
2003 (Engelska)Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen)Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)
Abstract [en]

To be able to obtain high quality in web-sites, both on the Internet and intranets, organisations of today have begun to invest in systems which are fulfilling the information management requirements. The information-flow is growing and organisations have a need to organise and structure their information resources into manageble components. One system that is managing both information and functionality is a Content Management System. In organisations the computer knowledge among employees may differ. Further the user support and the usage are views that are interesting to investigate and to indentify factors that are influencing when using a Content Management System. The purpose of the student thesis is to identify and describe factors, which influence on user support and usage, when using a Content Management System. To reach the purpose, a qualitative investigation with personal interviews was made on three users of the Content Management System at the County Council of Värmland. During the iterative work with the student thesis an abductive approach was used where literature was compared to empirical material. The factors which are identified and described in this student thesis are: * User level * Easily accessible information and personalization * Usability needs * Attitudes * Education * Vision and goals of the organisation * The organisation’s IT-policy * Efficiency for the organisation * SecurityThe conclusions from this student thesis describe the factors, which are having the most positive and negative influence on user support and usage. The factors with the most positive influence on user support and usage are user level, usability needs, attitudes, the organisation’s IT-policy, efficiency for the organisation and security. The factors with the most negative influence on user support and usage are easily accessible information and personalization and education. According to the personal interviews, the factor which will increase the user support and usage, when using a Content Management System at the County Council of Värmland, is easily accessible information and personalization

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
2003. , s. 64
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-56127Lokalt ID: INF C-27OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kau-56127DiVA, id: diva2:1116308
Ämne / kurs
Tillgänglig från: 2017-06-27 Skapad: 2017-06-27

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  • apa
  • ieee
  • modern-language-association-8th-edition
  • vancouver
  • apa.csl
  • Annat format
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  • de-DE
  • en-GB
  • en-US
  • fi-FI
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  • nn-NB
  • sv-SE
  • Annat språk
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  • html
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  • asciidoc
  • rtf