The purpose of this study is to examine how the municipal community school of art is motivated by the state, national and local in relation to Skot Hansen’s theory about legitimacy. Through the material of propositions, Kulturskolerådet´s reports and cultural plans from Uppsala and Malå kommun and their respective regions. The method that is used is a qualitative content analysis. The results show that on the state level there are 14 justifications but only eight is mentioned in the study. On the national level 14 justifications were found but seven is mentioned in the study and on the local level eleven justifications were found but only seven is mentioned in the study. The conclusions after the analysis of the results show that on the state level there are most justifications that argues from the humanistic and sociological rationality. On the national level argues most justifications from the instrumental rationality and on the local level is it most justifications from the humanistic and sociological rationality.