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Strategic internal communications in virtual organizations
2002 (engelsk)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Oppgave
Abstract [en]

The dot-com hysteria may have subsided, but there is no denying that the Internet has dramatically changed the way we think and communicate in today's workplace. Virtual organizations – even more than traditional organizations – need a communication strategy that develops the organizational culture and community, improves effectiveness and teamwork, and enhance individual performance. The purpose of this paper is to describe how strategic internal communication can be managed in a virtual organization. According to my definition, a virtual organization is an organization that is knowledge based and operates in an online environment. This means that teams of employees mostly are working and collaborating connected online. Many of these organizations are global and the employees have the ability to work anywhere any time. This paper includes an overview of recent research within the area of strategic management of internal communication. I also present a model by Kevin Thomson, which I have found to serve as a blueprint for strategic communication in increasingly virtual organisations. The success of the virtual organization will to some extent be determined by its infrastructure. A communicator working with internal communication can affect the infrastructure in four areas: management systems, corporate culture, communication technology and the workplace. These four areas are all important aspects of the organizational communication. To complement and verify my findings in research, literature and other material, I present the case studies of two virtual organizations – Cisco and Sapient. These cases are based on interviews with a few communicators. The interviews focused on what communication strategies that are working for them and what challenges they are facing within their organizations. The intranet as well as the leadership and the corporate culture play an important role for successful internal communication in virtual organizations. My conclusion is that communicators in virtual organizations must basically concentrate on three areas: * Develop a communicative leadership and help to create a strong culture that can serve as “the glue” that holds the virtual organization together * To raise the communication competence within the organization by empowering people and help them to be more effective communicators * Create innovative communication vehicles that support knowledge sharing within the organization. In conclusion, the virtual organization depends upon the technological infrastructure as well as the cultural infrastructure that facilitates the use of new technologies. In my view, neither of the two is less important. I hope my findings will be useful for future students as well as communication professionals that working in the field of internal communication. If you do have any questions or comments about this essay, feel free to contact me at annikavangstad@hotmail.com.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2002. , s. 63
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-57556Lokal ID: MKV D-2OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kau-57556DiVA, id: diva2:1122168
Fag / kurs
Media and Communication Studies
Tilgjengelig fra: 2017-07-12 Laget: 2017-07-12

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