Open this publication in new window or tab >>2023 (English)In: Studies on Social and Education Sciences 2022 / [ed] Suzanne El Takach; Omer Tayfur Ozturk, USA: ISTES Organization , 2023, p. 48-68Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
Ph.D. students need to be supervised by someone with an international reputation so that the name on the recommendation letter carries weight. But they also must not be professors traveling from place to place, frequently leaving campus, and missing mentoring sessions to advance their careers.
They have to be recognized, well-known, but also able to guide you without constantly refusing to meet you just because you have to take outside of the university.
Many students affirm that they never received any satisfactory, effective, or useful guidance during the study. The student in Ph.D. research-level needs to have the right to choose a supervisor with whom he has a good relationship. However, as the bureaucracy in graduate management at universities increases, administrators and administrators' "pair" prospective doctoral students with supervisors more and more frequently.
That will create bad cooperation and an uncreative scientifical product. A good supervisor-student relationship requires the joint efforts of both parties. Many Ph.D. students get into unnecessary trouble because they make some very common mistakes in their relationship with their supervisors. Unfortunately, our experience tells us that many students do not think deeply about this relationship and that most problems are predictable and avoidable.
➢ The study aims to interpret the negative action of supervisor practices of Ph.D. students during the supervising phasis and will classify the critical factors and types of a bad Ph.D. supervision
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
USA: ISTES Organization, 2023
Non-Creative Supervision, Ph.D. Students, Ph.D. Supervision
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Construction Engineering
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-92971 (URN)978-1-952092-37-4 (ISBN)
2023-01-172023-01-172023-06-15Bibliographically approved