Open this publication in new window or tab >>2018 (English)In: Australian journal of public administration, ISSN 0313-6647, E-ISSN 1467-8500, Vol. 77, no 4, p. 700-714Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]
This paper departs from research on Public Service Logic (PSL) to advance a framework ofpublic service innovation (PSI) by incorporating the notions of resource integration and valueproposition. The framework consists of three resource integration processes, referred to asvalue creation, value co-creation and value facilitation, through which users and employeesdetect problems and suggest solutions that contribute to service innovation by creatingnew, or by developing existing, value propositions. To test and illustrate the framework, astudy of six service innovation groups in primary care was drawn on. Four aggregates ofservice innovation ideas were identified in the study: access, patient experience, physicalenvironment and organization of work. In line with the framework, the findings suggest thatusers and employees contribute to PSI by drawing on their knowledge and experience ofconducting resource integration, and by detecting problems and suggesting solutions to theseproblems.
National Category
Economics and Business
Research subject
Business Administration
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-65542 (URN)10.1111/1467-8500.12308 (DOI)000451831300015 ()
2018-01-052018-01-052018-12-20Bibliographically approved