Open this publication in new window or tab >>2015 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
School Leader Education in Sweden : 40 years looking back
Abstract [en]
From 1930 until 1970 dispersed efforts were made in Sweden to educate school leaders. In 1975 an organisation for a systematic education of school leaders carried by the state was established in the country. A review is presented of the five different editions of school leader education that have existed in Sweden since then. Work of state committees and decisions at national level are described that have influenced the content, the design and the organisational localisation of the Swedish school leader education. The institutionalisation of the educational programme for school leaders in Sweden is clarified. The author of the book participated in the state committee that presented a proposal that was used as the ground for the first edition of the Swedish school leader education. He served for fifteen years as the manager of the Swedish school leader education.
Abstract [sv]
Från 1930-talet fram till 1970-talet gjordes spridda utbildningsinsatser som riktade sig till skolledare i Sverige. 1975 etablerades en organisation för en systematisk utbildning av alla skolledare i landet i statlig regi. En tillbakablick ges på de fem olika upplagor som sedan dess funnits av skolledarutbildningen, rektorsutbildningen och rektorsprogrammet som utbildningen av skolledare kommit att kallas under årens lopp. Det spel som förekommit kring utbildningens innehåll, utformning och organisatoriska hemvist under fyrtio år beskrivs. Institutionaliseringen av rektorsutbildningen klargörs. Bokens författare deltog i den utredning som under det tidiga sjuttiotalet låg till grund för den första upplagan av skolledarnas utbildning och var fram till 1990 ledare för Skolledarutbildningen.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: , 2015. p. 81
Arbetsrapport ; Juni
National Category
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-35899 (URN)978-91-7063-642-4 (ISBN)
2015-04-232015-04-232016-05-27Bibliographically approved