Open this publication in new window or tab >>2019 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
History in lower secondary school : Historical-culture expressions in and outside a classroom in Sweden in the fall of 2009
Abstract [en]
How do students use schools´ history education to develop their historical consciousness? In which ways could history education be regarded as a historical-culture expression, i.e. as a part of a society’s interest in the past? This thesis takes its point of departure in these overarching questions. More specifically the research was carried out as a contextualised case study of sixteen history lessons in a Swedish Year 9 class, in the autumn of 2009.
The contextualisation consists of an analysis on historical-culture expressions in Sweden at that time. Despite conflicting opinions, the major finding was the common view of Sweden as a country that solves her problems in a peaceful way, both in the past, the present and the future. The classroom study was conducted with an ethnographical approach with close attention to teacher-student interactions. The research was guided by an analytical model inspired by the historian Jörn Rüsen’s theories on history learning processes.
The results show in detail the complicated learning processes in the classroom but also the connection with the historical-culture expressions in Sweden at that moment. One major finding was the tendency to react to the rise of contemporary islamophobia and nationalism in Sweden by making comparisons with the development in Weimar Germany in the beginning of the 1930s. This tendency was present both in and outside the classroom.
Abstract [sv]
Hur använder elever skolans historieundervisning för att utveckla sitt historiemedvetande? På vilka sätt kan genomförd historieundervisning betraktas som en ”historiekulturell yttring” i ett samhälle? Den här avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i dessa och andra övergripande frågor som rör unga människors behov av tidslig orientering i början av 2000-talet.
Avhandlingen bygger på en historiedidaktisk fallstudie av en serie lektioner i en åk 9-klass. I centrum för analyserna står lektionernas pågående historiska lärande. Men studien intresserar sig också för förbindelser mellan den analyserade undervisningen och andra historiekulturella yttringar i Sverige utanför klassrumsdörren vid denna tidpunkt, hösten 2009.
Av studien framgår hur eleverna genom undervisningen erbjuds möjligheter att aktivera sitt historiemedvetande, men också hur sammansatta historieämnets lärprocesser kan vara på högstadiet. Samtidigt visar studien att klassrummets berättelser om 1900-talet som ”katastrofernas århundrade” verkar stå i nära förbindelse med en schematisk ”mönsterberättelse” om Sverige som ett land som kan hantera förflutna fasor, en osäker samtid och en hotande framtid.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2019. p. 464
Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099 ; 2019:28Studier i de samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik ; 37
history education, historical consciousness, historical-culture expressions, collective remembering, methodological nationalism, narrative theory, neo-nationalism, Swedish contemporary history, historieundervisning, historiemedvetande, historiekulturella yttringar, kollektivt memorerande, metodologisk nationalism, narrativ teori, neo-nationalism, svensk samtidshistoria
National Category
History Didactics
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-74739 (URN)978-91-7867-052-9 (ISBN)978-91-7867-062-8 (ISBN)
Public defence
2019-10-25, Rejmersalen, 9C 204, Karlstad, 13:15 (Swedish)
2019-10-042019-09-132022-11-21Bibliographically approved